Butter has ancient history: for the first time butter was obtained in India about 3000 years ago. But Italians became the first developers of an industrial way of butter production.They at the beginning of the 19th century started the first mechanical units by means of which the high-fat product which became a butter prototype in its modern conception was made.In the middle of the 19th century butter was successfully made in Russia as well. It was churned from fresh or the sour cream, and the Vologda butter by right became pride of domestic butter manufactures. Quality of the product can`t depend on one parameter only. In the course of butter production everything is important: both quality of raw materials, and way of production, and strict observance of the technological process.Each of these factors substantially defines qualitative characteristics of ready-made butter.Production of butter is a difficult multistage technological process, which ultimate goal is concentration and extraction of milk fat. On industrial scale butter is made in two ways: mechanical churning of cream with fat content of 35-40% or transformation of high-fat cream with fat content of 70-85%. The color of butter is homogeneous from white to yellow.

• dairy industry
• confectionery industry
• ice-cream industry
• bakery industry
• fat and oil industry and combined oils manufacturing
• processed cheese
• glazed cheese curd
• meat industry
• fish industry
• рыбная промышленность

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